My wife is (not) watching me: The spy inside all of us

Congreso&EXPO ASLAN2020

Eddy Willems

Security Evangelist en G DATA CyberDefense AG


During this lecture Eddy Willems will take you inside the dark world of some specific spyware: stalkerware. Why is stalkerware so special or isn’t it? Is this a new phenomenon? Eddy will guide you through the most common features of stalkerware. Is it easy to install? What are the differences between spyware and this kind of malware. How do the companies who create this software advertise themselves? Is it really legal? Eddy will show you a couple of examples. What are the technical challenges for the security industry? What can you do about it? What if your husband, wife, boyfriend, ex-lover or even father is using it against you? If you care about your privacy this lecture is a must. If you want to know more about spyware this lecture can open your eyes even more.

G Data CyberDefense AG

G DATA CyberDefense AG es una innovadora multinacional alemana con una dilatada experiencia en el desarrollo de soluciones de seguridad para particulares y empresas. Especialista en seguridad online y pionera en protección antimalware, G DATA desarrolló su primer programa antivirus hace más de 25 años. Es pues uno de los fabricantes de software de seguridad más veteranos de todo el mundo. Fruto del I+D+i que la compañía despliega en el desarrollo de sus soluciones, en los últimos cinco años G DATA ha recibido los más prestigiosos premios internacionales como proveedor de seguridad. Sus soluciones de seguridad están disponibles en más de 90 países.

Sobre Eddy Willems

Eddy Willems, from Belgium, is a well-known expert in security and malware. Currently he is a board member of 3 security industry organizations – EICAR (formerly the European Institute for Computer Antivirus Research), LSEC (Leaders in Security) and AVAR (Association of Anti-Virus Asia Researchers) – Global Security Officer and the resident Security Evangelist at G DATA CyberDefense AG. He studied Computer Science at IHB and VUB and started working as a Systems Analyst in 1984. He became a founding member of EICAR, one of the world’s first IT security organizations, in 1991. In previous years he was active as an anti-malware technology expert for other security companies like Kaspersky Lab. In his current role, he gives presentations and seminars all over the world. Several CERTs, press agencies, print and online publications and broadcasting media, for example CNN, use his advice regularly.

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